Yesterday, I received a notebook that originally came from a 4th grader in PA. It arrived to me via my sis-in-law in Maryland. It is a traveling school project! The accompanying note requests that we write something about our state. You can include pics, maps, postcards, or anything else that might be related and of interest. How fun! I am the 3rd person to receive it. It started out in Pennsylvania and so far it has traveled to people in Virginia and Maryland, and now it is with me in Tennessee. Who knows, maybe something like this will be traveling your way! I wish that teachers had come up with these kinds of projects when I was in school.
My daughter goes to a wonderful little pre-school. Today, we were given the charge of one Mr. Chappy Bear. He comes to us complete with a diary of his travels. He goes home with each one of the kids for a few days. We then get to write about everything Chappy gets to do with us while he's here in his little journal, and they read about it in class. Hopefully, there won't be too much mischief involved...
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