Saturday, March 29, 2008

Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf...

How's this for wildlife conservation:
The Federal Endangered Species status of the gray wolves of the Northern Rockies was lifted on Friday, and there are already plans in the works by state wildlife agencies for organized hunts.

I don't understand things like this, how many tax dollars were spent to save the wolves in the first place with all the re-introductions of wolves to places they were almost extinct. Now, that the populations that we painstakingly re-introduced are flourishing, it's okay to do "controlled" hunts... Oh well, I am just a little sensitive about the issue because I happen to actually like wolves, and I like the idea of having creatures like this still running around in our American forests. Living so long in the urban lifestyle, it's nice to know so much of our wonderful wildlife is still out there. My hubby and I had the privilege of staying at a chalet in the Smokies for our honeymoon, and next door lived a couple of captive born wolves that had been rescued from inappropriate homes. We were able to hear them calling at night, it's just so beautiful, peaceful, and haunting. We even got to meet them, and Steve Irwin was right -when you get to see and experience an animal up close, you become passionate about it, and suddenly you become interested in its welfare. I never forgot the experience... then again, I'm not a rancher, or livestock owner whose herd animals are being preyed upon. I am just a city girl with a love for these beings, high ideals, and a 'can't we all just get a long' wildlife philosophy...

Anyway, this is just food for thought - Read more about the issue here:

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